SpiroChem’s team combines a vast and diversified synthetic and medicinal chemistry experience, with one mission: solving problems at every stage of the discovery pipeline. By troubleshooting early, and even anticipating problems, we accelerate discovery programs. We are actively engaged in R&D collaborations with leading academic research groups, and we always seek advice and critical assessment of our innovation from industry leaders. With one question in mind: “we are at the top of our game, but how can we get even better?”. Whether it is at the lab level (improved workflows) or company level (new scientific and technological concepts), we always aim higher.

Working with veterans of the life science industry who have made their mark is how we progress every day and pioneer groundbreaking concepts and solutions to advance and accelerate discovery chemistry. It is therefore a pleasure to welcome Dr. Nick Terrett to our advisory team.

Nick is a medicinal chemist with 35 years’ experience in drug discovery, in both large pharmaceutical (Pfizer, Merck) and small biotech companies (Ensemble Tx) across the UK, US, and Switzerland. He has advanced several candidates into the clinic and was chemistry project leader and inventor for sildenafil (marketed as Viagra® and Revatio®). Nick has also worked on new discovery technologies establishing Pfizer’s first combinatorial chemistry platform and while at Ensemble Therapeutics developed DNA-encoded chemistry libraries and advanced macrocycles as valuable ‘beyond Rule of 5’ modalities. Nick obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge UK and is now based in New Jersey. He advises biotech and chemical services companies.

The unique synergy of first-class chemists and vast experience within our Scientific Advisory Team plays a fundamental role in supporting the consistent and continued success of SpiroChem’s medicinal chemistry discovery services.