
Hit/Fragment expansion

Offering dynamic, world-class expertise in fragment-based lead generation. Where chemistry excellence accelerates discovery.

Offering dynamic, world-class expertise in fragment-based lead generation

Hit/Fragment expansion

SpiroChem-sourced molecular fragments provide structurally complex chemical diversity, particularly in terms of three-dimensional chemotypes.

For the hit expansion phase, we can introduce diverse exit vectors and functionalities to generate rapidly relevant structure-activity relationships (SAR) data.

Offering dynamic, world-class expertise in fragment-based lead generation. Where chemistry excellence accelerates discovery.

From one SpiroChem fragment, you can access expanded analogs with a wide range of 3D shapes.

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say about us

With a wealth of experience, SpiroChem offers clients unparalleled high-quality solutions supported by a world-class team of chemistry experts.

Offering dynamic, world-class expertise in fragment-based lead generation. Where chemistry excellence accelerates discovery.
“Throughout our project, SpiroChem was very efficient and productive. They provided quality support making it easy for us to expand our research into new areas. We are looking forward to the next opportunity to work with such a team of highly skilled chemists.”

Gerhard Frey, PhD, Vice President of Technology Development, BioAlta

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