SpiroChem AG:
Rosental area, WRO-1047-3
Mattenstrasse 22
4058 Basel, Switzerland

Tel: + 41 61 685 95 00
E-mail: contact@spirochem.com


Swiss Discovery Sciences

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Detailed explanation

We can do all of that and adapt it to your budget!

Catalog analoging

You found the building block of your dreams but you need a different protecting group? What about adding an extra methyl or fluorine group here and there? Or maybe another exit vector to fill this empty pocket or reach that residue? Just ask, and we will find a solution for you.

We know our chemistry and we can adapt any of our products to suit your custom needs. We can also help you introduce those motifs into your own candidates, if possible at a late stage, saving you the burden of having to make it yourself from scratch.

Any crazy idea of a new scaffold? No problem, just ask and we will apply our techniques or develop a de novo synthesis if needed, regardless of compound class. We are leading the chemistry service market on the medium-to-high complexity chemistry, and who can do more can do less. Contact us today to find out more!

Being efficient at synthesizing cold-labeled compounds is not trivial. It is like cooking a five-meal course with only flour, eggs and salt. Each project is a new challenge because of the scarcity of labeled (2H, 13C) starting material and making complex molecules from them requires a lot of creativity and strategic thinking. We have a track-record of making labeled compounds irrespective of them being analogs of our own products or labeled versions of more standard molecules. We can also prepare cold-labeled reference compounds to support your Pharmaco-kinetic studies, or to test the deuterium effect on the half-life of your products.

Yes, that’s right, we can also synthesize natural products! Our clients typically come to us for hard-to-source or non-commercially available natural products. They can be simple or more complex, typically 10-15 steps, several chiral centers. This can be for use as a probe in chemical biology, or as a reference compound in medicinal chemistry. We have even made small sets of derivatives for early SAR studies. Depending on the complexity of the molecule, we will quote on a Fee-for-Service or on an FTE basis.

We have successfully delivered several projects in the field and recruited an expert chemist to strengthen the team knowledge on this topic. Thanks to the wide background of our team members, we can find custom solution to all problems.

Whether you need the delivery of your test candidate, or a library of analogs, we can support you with our custom synthesis services. For longer projects or larger sets of libraries, we can offer our FTE-based contract research services. We have chemists on board who have years of experience in medicinal chemistry project and custom services.

Did you observe impurities generated during your process and you need to characterize them? Or your lead compound shows signs of metabolism in your PK study? We are here to help. By working with you on such a project and analyzing your data, we will hypothesize which impurities/metabolites are present/formed and we will either isolate them (when possible) or develop a synthetic route.


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