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Expertise of the month: Design and synthesis of novel TCIs
Jan 24 2023

Expertise of the month

Expertise of the month: Design and synthesis of novel TCIs

Covalent targeting plays a rising role in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology.

Targeted Covalent Inhibitors (TCIs) typically arise from structure-based design, starting from optimized reversible ligands which are then modified by attachment of an electrophilic covalent reactive (“warhead”) to address a proximal amino acid. More recently, fragment-based, tethering-based approaches and DNA-encoded libraries featuring electrophilic ligands appear as alternative strategies.

At SpiroChem, we are very active in TCIs discovery :

  • Our computational chemistry team actively supports design of novel covalent fragments and inhibitors.
  • Thanks to unparalleled synthetic skills and deep knowledge, SpiroChem chemists bring highly productive support for TCIs-related projects by giving access to uncharted chemical space.
  • We will be happy to support your projects.
    For more information, please contact Laurence Jung at laurence.jung@spirochem.com


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