SpiroChem AG:
Rosental area, WRO-1047-3
Mattenstrasse 22
4058 Basel, Switzerland

Tel: + 41 61 685 95 00
E-mail: contact@spirochem.com


Swiss Discovery Sciences

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Embark to Uncharted Chemical Space

SpiroSpace is a virtual library built upon SpiroChem knowledge. It gives access to innovative drug-like sp3-rich compounds covering uncharted chemical space. Thanks to in-house know-how, the compounds are diversified and tractable.


SpiroSpace generation

SpiroSpaceTM = 5.4M molecules is designed :

  • From selected SPC & drug-like building blocks
  • Using 6 chemical reaction types
  • Arising from 2-step synthesis max

SpiroSpaceTM compiles:

  • Drug-like molecules (Ro5 compliant)
  • Sp3-rich compounds with constrained conformations
  • Unique scaffolds combinations
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Drug-like compounds

Hit finding

SpiroSpaceTM is dedicated to support hit finding with identification of novel drug-like hits, highly valuable starting points for MedChem programs namely for:

  • Exploring novel targets
  • Covering novel IP Space

SpiroSpaceTM properties

Key features

Physicochemical property distributions show how unrivaled the SpiroSpaceTM Library is. By combining drug-like properties with sp3-enrichment and unique 3D geometry, SpiroSpace molecules open new horizons for hit finding.

Get access to SpiroSpaceTM molecule list

Let's work together.

SpiroSpaceTM sd file is accessible under CDA and considering access fees.

To know more, please contact us at contact@spirochem.com


Download the 4.5M+
SpiroSpace molecules.


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